
I've always been a creative-first minded producer. I use the term producer because I'm not necessarily always creating things out of thin air; in fact, most of the time, I'm putting things and people in the proper place to achieve the desired results. That's the skill that has allowed me to have success across so many different types of projects. From music, to graphic design, to branding, to video editing and production, even to web design, I've been able to produce amazing outcomes on some of the coolest projects on the internet.

My works have reached the eyes of millions. Thousands of prints. Tens of thousands of live views on streaming platforms. Hundreds of thousands of impressions online and on social media platforms. Millions of views on YouTube. Tens of millions on Shorts. Hundreds of millions on TikTok.

I've worked with micro-celebrities, Musical Artists, famous Twitch Streamers, YouTubers and Influencers, Crypto Startups, even NFL players. I've taken roles from Editor, to Design Lead, to Consultant, all the way up to Creative Director; and everything in between. And the Results have been exceptional.

Closer Cartel

Creative Director

August 2022 - Present

Kaizen Media

Co-Founder, Director

December 2021 - December 2022

Webflow Portfolio

Projects I've Built for Myself and Clients

2021 - Present

Various Creative Work

Lead on Various Creative Projects

2017 - Present


Check out my behance portfolio to see a good mix of my skills. I've done video editing, content curation, creation & direction, marketing, branding, design, web design & development, and so much more for clients big and small across multiple verticals in online business. My skillset encompasses everything needed for end-to-end content creation & production, marketing & branding for everything from sales funnels to launching start up companies and more.

Tech Stack
Adobe Suite
Other Proficiencies

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Position Title

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Position Title

Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit a

Position Title

Lorem ipsum dolor

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Tech Stack
Adobe Suite
Other Proficiencies